On 20 and 21 November, the results of the SOLIFLY (Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY integrated in composite structures for next generation hybrid electric airliner) project were presented at the Conference Centre of the Federico II University in Naples.
The scheduled public event was attended by the project's Advisory Board (Piaggio Aerospace, Pipistrel, FACC, Dassault Aviation), the JU, and many other research and industrial organisations, including Leonardo.
The SOLIFLY project, led by AIT with ONERA, CIRA, UNIVIE, UNINA, CCI, is aimed at developing multifunctional composite energy storage structures for aeronautical applications.
CIRA was responsible for the coordination of the advisory committee, in particular the identification of structural battery requirements in the HEA (Hybrid Electric Aircraft) concept from an end-user perspective, and for the applicability and scalability process at the aircraft level.