Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Friday, February 10, 2017
Safety and Security, Software Development and Virtual Reality, Territory, Environment and Cultural Heritage
The activities in the sector of the ENVIRONMENT involve technologies for monitoring the territory and the environment and Safety and Security of the critical infrastructures.
The aerospace sector has many technologies at its disposal that can be used for earth observation and which can play a decisive role in improving control and management of the territory and protection of the environment, and in safeguarding cultural heritage.
The Monitoring Systems are set up at first using a small class of UAS systems together with satellite platforms. This is followed up with integration of the data obtained from classic airborne platforms (airplanes, helicopters) and, lastly, within the next five years, from stratospheric platforms. A paradigm of interoperability among these platforms is being developed.
An experimental facility is also being set up mainly for the development of prediction tools. The availability of multiple observations, in fact, paves the way for the development of a new category of predictive models, on various temporal and spatial levels, for making predictions in the nowcasting field.
These innovative prediction tools make it possible to provide state-of-the-art equipment for reducing uncertainty during decision-making processes that, in the global context of Sustainability, reliability and safety of monitoring systems, represents an issue of particular concern. In this regard, there will be activities for improvement and consolidation of know-how to increase the capacity for predicting reliability, safety, control and validation. This supports the integration units used for monitoring the territory and environment.
Finally, the anticipated use of robots for Dull, Dirty and Dangerous missions will help to attain this goal by avoiding human intervention and guaranteeing high efficiency as well as reducing the risks and operating costs.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016