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Adaptive Structure StructureAdaptive Structure<p style="text-align:justify;">​The mission of the Department can be summarized in two main points:<br></p><p style="text-align:justify;">1.       Development of integrated adaptive systems, based on technologies as: morphing of aerodynamic surfaces for the extension of the flight envelope and the improvement of the performance at different regimes; tools for the shape reconstruction, for monitoring the current  morphed shape; sensor network for structural health monitoring purposes; architectures for active and semi-active noise and vibration control, applicable to the aerospace, automotive and civil sectors.</p><p style="text-align:justify;">2.       Development and implementation of theoretical and numerical models enabling the design of sensing and actuation systems based on so called "Smart" materials and technologies. These models allow the sizing and the parameterization of the aforementioned sensing and actuation systems, characterized by specific problematics (non linear constitutive laws, often involving mechanical, chemical and electrical aspects). Prototyping of aforementioned systems and experimental characterization, with the aim of validating the numerical models and assessing the issues due to the use of the Smart materials </p><p>The main objectives of the department STAD are:</p><ul><li>Development of numerical and experimental tools focusing on wing morphing integrated systems: </li><ul><li>Ground test prototype of wings, "Iron birds", for the integration and the validation of the adaptive components</li><li>Simulation virtual environments for the design of adaptive wing components</li></ul><li>Technology transfer towards space systems</li><li>Development of smart landing gears and other aircraft subsystems, integrated with optical fiber sensors, for weight and balance purposes</li><li>Implementation of systems for the active control of noise and vibrations</li><li>Development and implementation of descriptive models and design of</li><ul><li>Polymeric smart systems</li><li>Shape memory alloys</li><li>Piezoelectric elements</li><li>Magnetorehologic fluids</li><li>Magnetostrictive elements</li><li>Fiber optic sensors</li></ul><li>Design of sensing and actuation systems, based on Smart materials or standard devices, including preliminary and conceptual design, detailed design and executive design, for the manufacture and integration.</li><li>Realization of prototypes and experimental tests, including the necessary jigs and tools, with the aim of characterizing the sensing parameters (as gage factor, measurement range) and actuation (as frequency bandwidth, transmitted forces and displacements, needed power supply)</li></ul>

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RESUME Project: Italy-Israel Collaboration in Innovative Solutions for Aircraft Structural Analysis <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />’analisi-strutturale-dei-velivoli/RESUME Project: Italy-Israel Collaboration in Innovative Solutions for Aircraft Structural AnalysisRESUME Project: Italy-Israel Collaboration in Innovative Solutions for Aircraft Structural Analysis At the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) wind tunnel in Tel Aviv, the final experimental tests of the RESUME project, aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of the application of Real-Time SHM systems on UAVs, were recently successfully completed.2023-07-10T22:00:00Z
SABRE, adptive blades for next generation rotorcrafts<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />, adptive blades for next generation rotorcraftsSABRE, adptive blades for next generation rotorcraftsThe European Project of SABRE ended with important results, obtained over 4 years, with focus on the development of innovative morphing technologies, oriented to helicopter blades.The advantages in terms of fuel consumption, CO2 and NOx emissions and noise radiation will support Europe for the challenging goal of a sustainable aero-transportation.2021-06-21T22:00:00Z