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DANTE - Development of Aero-vibro-acoustics Numerical and Technical Expertise


The DANTE project aims to strengthen and expand the skills of the Computational Acoustics Laboratory in aero-vibro-acoustics through the development of an integrated software including both new methods, which are under development, and other ones already mature. More specifically, the project has the following objectives :

  • to develop and implement FMM ( Fast Multipole Method) algorithms to reduce computational time and RAM usage of BEM methods;
  • to model acoustic sources for aeroacoustic analysis from CFD-RANS solutions;
  • to model boundary conditions for vibro-acoustic analysis ;
  • to build up an integrated software for multi-domain analyses that includes methods for the treatment of aero-vibro-acoustic sources and FEM/BEM/integral propagation algorithms with high-performance computing potential.


Attività nel progetto CIRA

The project has been funded within the PRO.R.A. program and it is developed entirely at CIRA.


The project has been funded within the PRO.R.A. program

  • data inizio: Wednesday, April 1, 2015
  • durata: 36.00
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Environmental Impact of Air Transport
This project aims to strengthen and expand the skills and capabilities in computational aero-vibro-acoustic. DANTE objective is, on one side, to increase the competitiveness of CIRA and, on the other side, to extend the use of current aero-vibroacoustic tools in industrially relevant applications.
Computational Acoustics, External Noise Prediction, Noise Reduction, Helicopter Aero-Acoustics



DANTE - Development of Aero-vibro-acoustics Numerical and Technical Expertise<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> - Development of Aero-vibro-acoustics Numerical and Technical ExpertiseDANTE - Development of Aero-vibro-acoustics Numerical and Technical Expertise<p>The DANTE project aims to strengthen and expand the skills of the Computational Acoustics Laboratory in aero-vibro-acoustics through the development of an integrated software including both new methods, which are under development, and other ones already mature. More specifically, the project has the following objectives :<br></p><ul><li>to develop and implement FMM ( Fast Multipole Method) algorithms to reduce computational time and RAM usage of BEM methods;<br></li><li>to model acoustic sources for aeroacoustic analysis from CFD-RANS solutions;<br></li><li>to model boundary conditions for vibro-acoustic analysis ;<br></li><li>to build up an integrated software for multi-domain analyses that includes methods for the treatment of aero-vibro-acoustic sources and FEM/BEM/integral propagation algorithms with high-performance computing potential.<br></li></ul><p> </p><p>The project has been funded within the PRO.R.A. program</p><p>The project has been funded within the PRO.R.A. program and it is developed entirely at CIRA.</p>2015-03-31T22:00:00Z36.0000000000000

 Media gallery



DANTE Animazione AnimazioneDante MovieMovie of the engine acoustic field scattered by the fuselage of a large passenger aircraft Animazione del campo acustico generato dai motori e riflesso dalla fusoliera di un aereo da trasporto civile. DANTE Animazionetext/html; charset=utf-8 Video<iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0'></iframe>
High-Fidelity Aeroacoustic Simulation of a VTOL Aircraft in an URBAN AIR Mobility Scenario Aeroacoustic Simulation of a VTOL Aircraft in an URBAN AIR Mobility ScenarioHigh-Fidelity Aeroacoustic Simulation of a VTOL Aircraft in an URBAN AIR Mobility Scenariotext/html; charset=utf-8 Video<iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0'></iframe>
Progetto DANTE DANTEDANTEMovie of the acoustic field scattered by a human head Animazione del campo acustico riflesso dalla testa di una persona Progetto DANTEtext/html; charset=utf-8 Video<iframe src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0'></iframe>
Suddivisione del dominio di calcolo per l’applicazione di tecniche Fast Multipole Method del dominio di calcolo per l’applicazione di tecniche Fast Multipole MethodImage




Low noise impact for Urban Air Mobility<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> noise impact for Urban Air MobilityLow noise impact for Urban Air MobilityDANTE project, is developing a virtual approach to assess and reduce the acoustic impact of eVTOL aircraft, allowing the development of suitable technologies to ensure the community acceptance and the acoustic well-being of urban populations.2021-06-03T22:00:00Z