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The Space Qualification Center at CIRA, a success story: Space Qualification Center at CIRA, a success story:The Space Qualification Center at CIRA, a success story: The Space Qualification Laboratory at CIRA was inaugurated on March 2, 2012, thanks to funding from the Campania Region under the “APQ Metadistretto ICT" program.



CIRA Launches the Development of the DFAN, an Innovation in the Acoustic Qualification of Space Systems<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Launches the Development of the DFAN, an Innovation in the Acoustic Qualification of Space SystemsCIRA Launches the Development of the DFAN, an Innovation in the Acoustic Qualification of Space Systems
ESA PLATO Space Telescope on-board computer flight model qualification tests successfully achieved.<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> PLATO Space Telescope on-board computer flight model qualification tests successfully achieved.ESA PLATO Space Telescope on-board computer flight model qualification tests successfully achieved.
CIRA at Cape Canaveral for the Launch of HERA<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> at Cape Canaveral for the Launch of HERACIRA at Cape Canaveral for the Launch of HERA

 Research Infrastructures



Acoustic Measurements and Air Quality Laboratory<img alt="Acoustic Measurements and Air Quality Laboratory" src="" width="1865" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Measurements and Air Quality LaboratoryAcoustic Measurements and Air Quality LaboratoryThe Lab performs acoustics and pollutant emissions experimental activities in the aeronautical field. The Laboratory is accredited by ENAC for helicopter noise certification (FAR Part36, ICAO Annex16).
Aerospace Structures Impact Laboratory<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Structures Impact LaboratoryAerospace Structures Impact LaboratoryAerospace Structures Impact Laboratory (LISA) allows performing full-scale crash tests of aerospace structures.
Electronics Lab<img alt="Electronics Lab" src="" width="1989" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> LabElectronics LabThe Electronic Lab is dedicated to assembling, troubleshooting and characterization of demonstrators, prototypes and, more in general, electronic units as well as supporting the consequent electric/electronic integration into larger systems.
Guidance Navigation and Control Laboratory <img alt="Guidance, Navigation & Control Laboratory" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Navigation and Control LaboratoryGuidance Navigation and Control Laboratory Guidance Navigation and Control Laboratory is an experimental infrastructure, supporting the design, implementation and validation of control and automation prototypes for aerospace applications.
Icing Wind Tunnel<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Wind TunnelIcing Wind TunnelThe Icing Wind Tunnel is a plant for ice and aerodynamic testing. It is unique in the world, in size and operational envelope, to generate artificial clouds that simulate every possible natural icing condition.
Laboratory of Adaptive Structures<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> of Adaptive StructuresLaboratory of Adaptive Structures The LASA Laboratory is dedicated to the design, implementation and validation of adaptive structural systems, deployable structures for spatial applications, monitoring systems for structural and mechanical components and sensory systems integrated into the reference elements.
Laboratory of Methods and Technologies for Observations and Measurements<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> of Methods and Technologies for Observations and MeasurementsLaboratory of Methods and Technologies for Observations and MeasurementsThis laboratory develops innovative measurement methods in the field of Aerospace both for the use of standard measurement techniques than to support the large CIRA testing plants (SCIROCCO / Ghibli).
Plasma Wind Tunnel Complex<img alt="Plasma Wind Tunnel Complex" src="" width="769" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Wind Tunnel ComplexPlasma Wind Tunnel ComplexThe Plasma Wind Tunnel Complex has two available hypersonic arc-jet facilities, SCIROCCO and GHIBLI, for the ground simulation of the aerothermodynamic conditions acting onto Thermal Protection Systems and Payloads of space vehicles during the hypersonic reentry phase.
Scientific computing systems<img alt="Scientific computing systems" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> computing systemsScientific computing systemsThrough the availability of adequate High Performance Computing resources the availability of the necessary computational power to perform Research and Development activities is assured.
Space Qualification Laboratory<img alt="Space Qualification Laboratory " src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Qualification LaboratorySpace Qualification LaboratoryFacility aimed at supporting aerospace companies in the design, manufacturing and testing of nano and micro satellites (up to 70 Kg) and electronic and mechanical components of space, avionic and military systems.
Technological Laboratories for Advanced Materials and Processes<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Laboratories for Advanced Materials and ProcessesTechnological Laboratories for Advanced Materials and ProcessesThis laboratory carries out studies, testing and characterization of new materials and prototyping of advanced aeronautical and space structures, through the development of innovative process technologies.
Transonic Wind Tunnel PT1<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Wind Tunnel PT1Transonic Wind Tunnel PT1The PT1 is the only one Italian aerodynamic transonic wind tunnel and it belongs to a tunnel category, due to its size, used mainly for research activities and for industrial purposes.
Vibro-Acoustic Characterisation Laboratory<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Characterisation LaboratoryVibro-Acoustic Characterisation LaboratoryVibro-acoustic Characterization Laboratory mission is the design and improvement of aeronautical and space structures from vibro-acoustic point of view and the development and numerical and experimental validation of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems, in order to achieve higher reliability and to reduce the aerospace structures weight.
Virtual Reality Lab<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> Reality LabVirtual Reality LabThis Laboratory provides an infrastructure and expertise to host demonstrations and development of techniques of immersive or semi-immersive Virtual Reality applications, even in combination, highlighting the capabilities and benefits of Virtual Reality with particular focus on the ability of interaction of a person in a virtual environment.