AIRGREEN 2 - Morphing Wing Technology | | 2 - Morphing Wing Technology | AIRGREEN 2 - Morphing Wing Technology | Development of technologies for in-flight wing adaptation to improve aerodynamic efficiency of new generation regional aircrafts. |
AIRONE - Cheap Online Weather Information Service for the Personal Air Vehicles sector | | - Cheap Online Weather Information Service for the Personal Air Vehicles sector | AIRONE - Cheap Online Weather Information Service for the Personal Air Vehicles sector | This project is co-funded by ASI in the framework of a Call on “TLC e Applicazioni Integrate” reserved to SME. The scope of this project is to demonstate the feasibility to implement an innovative (for Europe) Weather Information Service to be used by pilots of Personal Air Vehicle in VFR mode. |
ARTEM - Aircraft Noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental IMpact | | - Aircraft Noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental IMpact | ARTEM - Aircraft Noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental IMpact | The main objective of ARTEM is to define novel aircraft configurations for 2035 (tube/wing) and 2050 (Blended Wing Body with conventional UHBR propulsion system and with distributed electrical propulsion). |
FTB4UAS Flight Test Bed For UAS | | Flight Test Bed For UAS | FTB4UAS Flight Test Bed For UAS | Development of flight testing demonstrators for the flight validation of enabling technologies in the field of autonomous flight technologies, innovative aerostructures and hybrid propulsion systems. |
GRADE - GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration | | - GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration | GRADE - GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration | The project aims to demonstrate, through in-flight trials, the ability of General Aviation aircraft and rotorcraft to take advantage of the concepts developed in the SESAR1 program, in order to facilitate the integration of these aircraft into airspace and airports where the SESAR concepts are implemented. |
HERWINGT - Hybrid Electric Regional Wing Integration Novel Green Technologies | | - Hybrid Electric Regional Wing Integration Novel Green Technologies | HERWINGT - Hybrid Electric Regional Wing Integration Novel Green Technologies | HERWINGT is a research project with the utmost target to become one of the “game-changers" that will drive the transformation toward climate-neutral aviation systems |
HEXAFLY-INT - High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles-International | | - High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles-International | HEXAFLY-INT - High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles-International | The HEXAFLY-INT, High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles – International, project, stemmed from the interest of Europe in hypersonic civil transportation vehicles, is dedicated to the development of a flight test experiment for demonstrating and validating high speed key technologies. |
LED - Long Endurance Demonstrator | | - Long Endurance Demonstrator | LED - Long Endurance Demonstrator | This project aims at the realization of a primary and secondary power system based on electrochemical modules, suitable for aerospace applications. |
MISE - Applications for electronics of not piloted aircraft | | - Applications for electronics of not piloted aircraft | MISE - Applications for electronics of not piloted aircraft | The project MISE “Applicativi per elettronica di aeromobili non pilotati” is funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development through the funds allocated (808/85) for the "Interventions for the development and growth of competitiveness in the industries operating in the aeronautical sector". |
SAT-AM More Affordable Small Aircraft Manufacturing | | More Affordable Small Aircraft Manufacturing | SAT-AM More Affordable Small Aircraft Manufacturing | The aim of SAT-AM project is to develop low cost manufacturing technologies able to assure weight saving and equal levels of safety and reliability for General Aviation class vehicle. |
SMAF – Smart AirFrame | |–-smart-airframe/SMAF – Smart AirFrame | SMAF – Smart AirFrame | Development of an innovative design criteria for the reduction of the weight and cost of the primary structures made of composite material, also by means of out-of-autoclave process, through the use of information coming from structural health monitoring systems (SHM). |
SMOS – SMART ON-BOARD SYSTEMS | |–-smart-on-board-systems/SMOS – SMART ON-BOARD SYSTEMS | SMOS – SMART ON-BOARD SYSTEMS | The project SMOS (SMart On-board Systems) aims to develop technologies concerning on-board systems such as low weight and low power Anti-Icing / De-Icing devices as well as diagnostic and prognostic systems. The SMOS project is funded by PRO.R.A. |
SOLIFLY - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY integrated in composite structures | | - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY integrated in composite structures | SOLIFLY - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY integrated in composite structures | High Power density / multifunctional electrical storage solutions for aeronautic applications. |
TECVOL-2 Innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration | | Innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration | TECVOL-2 Innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration | The Italian Government, within the framework of the National Aerospace Research Program, founds TECVOL-II project, whose final aim is the development and validation, both on ground and in flight, of innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration within the civil air traffic environment. |
TIMA – Technologies for low emission and long endurance piston engines | | – Technologies for low emission and long endurance piston engines | TIMA – Technologies for low emission and long endurance piston engines | The project aims at the definition, development and application of enabling technologies for the development of piston engines, for General Aviation aircraft (GA) and for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) applications, with low environmental impact and high autonomy. |