NEUMANN - Novel Energy and propUlsion systeMs for Air dominance | | - Novel Energy and propUlsion systeMs for Air dominance | NEUMANN - Novel Energy and propUlsion systeMs for Air dominance | The project studies will address propulsion and energy systems technologies required for an highly efficient powerplant, able to deliver at the same time increased electrical power generation and increased thrust-to-weight ratio |
EINSTAIN - Engine INSTallation And INtegration | | - Engine INSTallation And INtegration | EINSTAIN - Engine INSTallation And INtegration | This project demonstrates the feasibility of an efficient “diesel” engine installation on a FAR/EASA Part23, 9 to 11 seats twin engine aircraft configuration and reduce as much as possible the related increase in drag, respect to a conventional engine.
AMBER | | | AMBER | AMBER - InnovAtive DeMonstrator for hyBrid-Electric Regional Application |
IRON - Innovative turbopROp configuratioN | | - Innovative turbopROp configuratioN | IRON - Innovative turbopROp configuratioN | IRON: Innovative turbopROp configuratioN. Improvements of performances of regional aircraft in the 90 passenger segment. |
LED - Long Endurance Demonstrator | | - Long Endurance Demonstrator | LED - Long Endurance Demonstrator | This project aims at the realization of a primary and secondary power system based on electrochemical modules, suitable for aerospace applications. |
SOLIFLY - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY integrated in composite structures | | - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY integrated in composite structures | SOLIFLY - Semi-SOlid-state LI-ion batteries FunctionalLY integrated in composite structures | High Power density / multifunctional electrical storage solutions for aeronautic applications. |
TIMA – Technologies for low emission and long endurance piston engines | | – Technologies for low emission and long endurance piston engines | TIMA – Technologies for low emission and long endurance piston engines | The project aims at the definition, development and application of enabling technologies for the development of piston engines, for General Aviation aircraft (GA) and for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) applications, with low environmental impact and high autonomy. |
SHAFT - SyntHetic jet Actuators for Flow conTrol | | - SyntHetic jet Actuators for Flow conTrol | SHAFT - SyntHetic jet Actuators for Flow conTrol | Il progetto SHAFT ha l’obiettivo di fornire una solida base scientifica e tecnologica per la progettazione e l'applicazione di un dispositivo che genera getti sintetici (SJs) per il controllo di campi di moto. |