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Articolo del Presidente del CIRA su Milano Finanza

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Europa e Space Economy, l'articolo del Presidente del CIRA su Milano Finanza

​In un articolo pubblicato su Milano Finanza il 10 febbraio, ​​il Presidente del CIRA, Antonio Blandini, analizza quanto emerso nell'ultima Space Conference di Bruxelles, mettendo in evidenza l'importanza strategica dell'accesso allo spazio per l'Europa. 

Tra le soluzioni proposte, assistenza tecnica e finanziaria alle imprese e l'agevolazione nell'accesso a impianti e laboratori tecnologicamente avanzati, per stimolare innovazione e competitività.

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Space<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /><p style="text-align:justify;">The activities in the <strong>SPACE sector </strong>concern Systems for Access to Airspace, Satellites and Systems for Exploration, Space Propulsion Systems, On-board Systems, Sustainability, reliability and safety.     </p><p style="text-align:justify;">The <strong>Systems for Access to Airspace and Exploration </strong>at CIRA are for increasing and consolidating knowledge of systems and space technologies for access, re-entry and operating missions in LEO orbit and interplanetary missions to the Moon and Mars. </p><p style="text-align:justify;">With regard to <strong>Propulsion Systems</strong>, Europe plays a key role in the field of launchers, and Italy, in turn, plays a significant role in the development of small launchers. In the context of the development programme of the Vega launcher (launcher for satellites weighing up to 1,500 kg in LEO orbit), CIRA is committed to certain technological drivers. In fact, the HYPROB programme, assigned to CIRA by MIUR, aims to make the Centre a structure of excellence on a European level, with the training of highly qualified personnel and the development of advanced technologies. </p><p style="text-align:justify;">CIRA is also committed to the development and validation of enabling technologies for autonomous GNC systems for re-entry and launching missions, and cooperative control systems for mini and micro satellites. These technologies, relating to <strong>On-board Systems</strong>, are being further developed to guarantee higher than average levels of operational precision, reaction times compatible with the high levels of energy and speed involved, and autonomous self-diagnostics and management compatible with limited (or no) human-machine interaction. </p><p style="text-align:justify;">In the case of <strong>Sustainability, Reliability and Safety</strong>, CIRA is involved in Integrity Engineering and autonomous systems for critical missions. </p>

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