Space Rider PRIDE | | Rider PRIDE | Space Rider PRIDE | Space-Rider is an European Space Agency Program devoted to the development of a reusable space transportation system capable of performing in-orbit operations as payload capturing from the International Space Station and Microgravity experimentation and then to land on a runway. |
AIRONE - Cheap Online Weather Information Service for the Personal Air Vehicles sector | | - Cheap Online Weather Information Service for the Personal Air Vehicles sector | AIRONE - Cheap Online Weather Information Service for the Personal Air Vehicles sector | This project is co-funded by ASI in the framework of a Call on “TLC e Applicazioni Integrate” reserved to SME. The scope of this project is to demonstate the feasibility to implement an innovative (for Europe) Weather Information Service to be used by pilots of Personal Air Vehicle in VFR mode. |
AURORA - itAlian Urban aiR mObility technologies & distRibuted test fAcility | | - itAlian Urban aiR mObility technologies & distRibuted test fAcility | AURORA - itAlian Urban aiR mObility technologies & distRibuted test fAcility | The main objective of the project is developing a distributed national research, development and qualification facility for navigation systems and infrastructures in the AAM/ UAM, based on GNSS |
CTNA TILTROTOR FX | | TILTROTOR FX | CTNA TILTROTOR FX | Development of an innovative pilot command system with the aim to reduce the pilot workload and to guarantee the envelope protection during the flight operations of a tiltrotor. |
DFMC GNSS - Dual Frequency, Multi Constellation GNSS | | GNSS - Dual Frequency, Multi Constellation GNSS | DFMC GNSS - Dual Frequency, Multi Constellation GNSS | |
FTB4UAS Flight Test Bed For UAS | | Flight Test Bed For UAS | FTB4UAS Flight Test Bed For UAS | Development of flight testing demonstrators for the flight validation of enabling technologies in the field of autonomous flight technologies, innovative aerostructures and hybrid propulsion systems. |
GRADE - GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration | | - GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration | GRADE - GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration | The project aims to demonstrate, through in-flight trials, the ability of General Aviation aircraft and rotorcraft to take advantage of the concepts developed in the SESAR1 program, in order to facilitate the integration of these aircraft into airspace and airports where the SESAR concepts are implemented. |
HEXAFLY-INT - High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles-International | | - High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles-International | HEXAFLY-INT - High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles-International | The HEXAFLY-INT, High-Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles – International, project, stemmed from the interest of Europe in hypersonic civil transportation vehicles, is dedicated to the development of a flight test experiment for demonstrating and validating high speed key technologies. |
INVIRCAT - Investigate IFR RPAS Control in Airports and TMA | | - Investigate IFR RPAS Control in Airports and TMA | INVIRCAT - Investigate IFR RPAS Control in Airports and TMA | The INVIRCAT project investigates innovative solutions for a safe, equal and efficient integration of RPAS into the existing Air Traffic Control ( ATC ) procedures and infrastructures |
MISE - Applications for electronics of not piloted aircraft | | - Applications for electronics of not piloted aircraft | MISE - Applications for electronics of not piloted aircraft | The project MISE “Applicativi per elettronica di aeromobili non pilotati” is funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development through the funds allocated (808/85) for the "Interventions for the development and growth of competitiveness in the industries operating in the aeronautical sector". |
RAID – RPAS in ATM Integration Demonstration | |–-rpas-in-atm-integration-demonstration/RAID – RPAS in ATM Integration Demonstration | RAID – RPAS in ATM Integration Demonstration | RAID is one of several demonstration project co-funded by the SESAR Joint Undertaking aimed at the safe integration in ATM of civil remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). Led by CIRA, the project aims to demonstrate and evaluate the impact of integrating drones into unrestricted airspace within current ATM environments. |
SIRI - SESAR IFR RPAS Integration | | - SESAR IFR RPAS Integration | SIRI - SESAR IFR RPAS Integration | Il progetto SIRI include le attività svolte dal CIRA, come third party di ENAV, nell'ambito del progetto SESAR PJ.13 ERICA Solution 117, il cui obiettivo è lo sviluppo di capacità tecnologiche e nuove procedure per consentire ai velivoli RPAS in modalità di volo Instrumental Flight Rules di integrarsi pienamente con il traffico aereo commerciale. |
TECDEP ASPEN | | ASPEN | TECDEP ASPEN | Development of advanced technologies for innovative cockpit avionic products with the aim to increase flight safety and pilot awareness in General Aviation aircraft |
TECVOL-2 Innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration | | Innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration | TECVOL-2 Innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration | The Italian Government, within the framework of the National Aerospace Research Program, founds TECVOL-II project, whose final aim is the development and validation, both on ground and in flight, of innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration within the civil air traffic environment. |
URClearED a Unified Integrated Remain well Clear concept in airspacE D-G classes | | a Unified Integrated Remain well Clear concept in airspacE D-G classes | URClearED a Unified Integrated Remain well Clear concept in airspacE D-G classes | The URClearED project addresses the 'remain-well-clear' (RWC) function, one of the key technological issues that will allow certified RPAS to safely share airspace with other (manned and unmanned) aircraft at intermediate altitudes. |