TECVOL-2 Innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration
As far as the GNC technologies is concerned, the project long term objective is the development, prototyping and validation of HW/SW GNC modules able to guarantee, with an high level of operative efficiency, the autonomous mission management both of a single RPAS and of a fleet of cooperative RPAS's. In particular the innovative GNC system will support the remote pilot for the whole flight mission by taking adequately into account both the changes in the external environment (I,e traffic, no-fly zones, weather, ground orography) and the eventual modifications on the RPAS performance and manoeuvring capabilities induced by vehicle failure and/or malfunction's (ADAPT, UAS-GNC 2.0).
As far as the data-link technologies is concerned, the project long-term objective is the development, prototyping and validation of reconfigurable data-link for MALE RPAS. In particular the project will investigate such innovative data-link configurations allowing to modify the user communication functionalities just by means of changes of the the signal processing SW, without any modification to the communication HW system architecture (RECDL-AC)
As far as the Weather Situational Awareness technologies is concerned, the project long-term objective is the development, prototyping and validation of an integrated HW/SW system for monitoring and forecasting of the main weather parameters with the final aim to provide to the RPAS operators (pilot, air traffic controller, ..) all the info needed to increase their weather situational awareness and to the overall flight safety level (WSAS)
Attività nel progetto CIRA
System Engineering: HW/SW prototypes system engineering, support for integration of the developed HW/SW prototypes within the FLARE flying lab, HW/SW prototypes configuration
Autonomous GNC: development, prototyping and validation of Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) technologies aimed to increase the autonomy level of both a single RAPS and an RPAS fleet.
Reconfigurable Data-Link: development, modelling, prototyping and on ground validation of communication systems for RPAS command and control applications.
Weather Situational Awareness: development, prototyping and on ground validation of technologies aimed to increase the Weather Situational Awareness in managing the whole RPAS flight mission.
data inizio:
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2016
Thursday, August 4, 2022
On Board Systems and ATM, Electronics and Communications, Territory, Environment and Cultural Heritage, Aeronautics - Technology Integration and Flight Demostrators
The Italian Government, within the framework of the National Aerospace Research Program, founds TECVOL-II project, whose final aim is the development and validation, both on ground and in flight, of innovative technologies for RPAS autonomous mission management and for their safely integration within the civil air traffic environment.
Avionics, Cockpit Systems, Visualisation & Display Systems, Navigation/Flight Management/Autoland, Warning Systems, Communications Systems, Identification, Avionics Integration, Flight Control System, System Failure and Damage Analysis, Environmental Hazard Analysis, On-board Systems Engineering, Fault Tolerant Systems, Navigation Systems
Electronics Lab