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Telemaco - Enabling technologies and innovative electronic beam steering systems in millimeter and centimeter wavelength bands for avionic radar applications


​TELEMACO aims at combining and exploiting technological developments both on radars used to identify targets and on Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs). In particular, the project concerns an innovative radar system for advanced in-flight land monitoring. It includes study and technological development about a new Synthetic Aperture Radar looking forward with respect to the aircraft heading (Forward Looking SAR, FLoSAR), able to electronically scan the antenna beam perpendicularly to the motion and acquire high resolution images in front of the aircraft. Such a system will be able to monitor the land before aircraft passes over it and provide information, by means of real-time processing, to pilot the aircraft. Possible system applications concern civil, military and space domains. In the civil domain, the system can be used for land and sea monitoring in case of natural disasters, for the detection of illegal buildings to as support automatic system for aircraft landing. In the military domain, its application involves the objects identification by unmanned vehicles; finally, in the space domain, advanced land and sea survey by satellite could be a possible application field.

The goals of this project are: study and design of the overall FLoSAR system, including the antenna with electronic beam steering in centimeter or millimeter wavelength bands, processing algorithms and related hardware.

The project also provides the:

  • implementation of significant system subassemblies demonstrators and simulators,

  • measurement and simulation techniques of the whole radar system as well as its subassemblies.

Since the system can also be used as a normal radar for target detection, a further goal is the development of algorithms for the detection of moving targets using data collected by the Forward Looking Radar (assuming it is a pulsed and coherent radar).

Attività nel progetto CIRA

Within this project CIRA supports:

  • the design of an architecture suitable for the insertion of the electronic beam steering function in the radar system,

  • the development of a logic circuit for the verification of the above function.

The latter contribution will be focused on the design of a logic network used to handle the electronic beam steering by means of a VHDL code with implementation on an FPGA based platform. 


TELEMACO is a project funded by MIUR through the Aerospace District of Campania (DAC).

  • data inizio: Wednesday, April 2, 2014
  • durata: 33.00
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Electronics and Communications
The project goal is to contribute to the solution of research and development issues in the context of radars for environmental monitoring and transport safety.
Aircraft Avionics, Systems & Equipment, Communications Systems
Electronics Lab



Telemaco - Enabling technologies and innovative electronic beam steering systems in millimeter and centimeter wavelength bands for avionic radar applications<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> - Enabling technologies and innovative electronic beam steering systems in millimeter and centimeter wavelength bands for avionic radar applicationsTelemaco - Enabling technologies and innovative electronic beam steering systems in millimeter and centimeter wavelength bands for avionic radar applications<p style="text-align:justify;">​TELEMACO aims at combining and exploiting technological developments both on radars used to identify targets and on Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs). In particular, the project concerns an innovative radar system for advanced in-flight land monitoring. It includes study and technological development about a new Synthetic Aperture Radar looking forward with respect to the aircraft heading (Forward Looking SAR, FLoSAR), able to electronically scan the antenna beam perpendicularly to the motion and acquire high resolution images in front of the aircraft. Such a system will be able to monitor the land before aircraft passes over it and provide information, by means of real-time processing, to pilot the aircraft. Possible system applications concern civil, military and space domains. In the civil domain, the system can be used for land and sea monitoring in case of natural disasters, for the detection of illegal buildings to as support automatic system for aircraft landing. In the military domain, its application involves the objects identification by unmanned vehicles; finally, in the space domain, advanced land and sea survey by satellite could be a possible application field.<br></p><p style="text-align:justify;">The goals of this project are: study and design of the overall FLoSAR system, including the antenna with electronic beam steering in centimeter or millimeter wavelength bands, processing algorithms and related hardware.</p><p>The project also provides the:</p><ul style="text-align:justify;"><li><p>implementation of significant system subassemblies demonstrators and simulators,</p></li><li><p>measurement and simulation techniques of the whole radar system as well as its subassemblies.</p></li></ul><p>Since the system can also be used as a normal radar for target detection, a further goal is the development of algorithms for the detection of moving targets using data collected by the Forward Looking Radar (assuming it is a pulsed and coherent radar).</p><p style="text-align:justify;">TELEMACO is a project funded by MIUR through the Aerospace District of Campania (DAC).</p><p>Within this project CIRA supports: </p><ul><li><p>the design of an architecture suitable for the insertion of the electronic beam steering function in the radar system, </p></li><li><p>the development of a logic circuit for the verification of the above function. </p></li></ul><p>The latter contribution will be focused on the design of a logic network used to handle the electronic beam steering by means of a VHDL code with implementation on an FPGA based platform. </p>2014-04-01T22:00:00Z33.0000000000000

 Media gallery



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Completion of TELEMACO project<img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" /> of TELEMACO projectCompletion of TELEMACO projectLast December TELEMACO reached its natural deadline. The project was aimed at the development of enabling technologies to the design of an innovative Synthetic Aperture Radar based on Forward Looking technique (FLoSAR) that “looks” in front of the aircraft on which it is installed.2017-01-22T23:00:00Z