effect of aircraft noise, fuel use and atmospheric emission can impact the
quality of life of populated areas near to airports. This environmental issue
results in restrictions for air traffic procedures, aircraft manufacturing and
airport structures. Curved and Continuous Descent Approach can be adopted in
order to reduce environmental impact during approach and landing phases. This
paper provides a study of Curved and Continuous Descent Approach concept for
the future efficient flight operations in TMA. The intent is to provide the
main inputs necessary to implement a system able to generate optimized descent
profiles for the Efficient Air Transport System through tools and algorithms,
which minimize the environmental impact. In particular, this study
investigates on differences between conventional descent and proposed curved
and continuous descent technique, starting from an analysis of procedures for
a generic descent trajectory. Furthermore, mathematical modelling of descent
profiles, high-level requirements and performance assessment are discussed
here in order to provide the basis for implementing the model, route
structures and system operations taking into account the current rules of the air
and the future ATC technologies.