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Guidance, Navigation and Control <img alt="" src="" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />, Navigation and ControlGuidance, Navigation and Control <div><h3>Main goals:</h3><ul style="text-align:justify;"><li><p>Development and demonstration of architectures, algorithms and innovative applications for the ground and onboard segments of manned and unmanned systems (fixed wing and rotary wing) with the aim of reducing the complexity of planning and managing the mission. Typical examples are: Remote Piloted Vehicle Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS RPV), Ground Control Station (GCS) SW with Planning & Replanning capabilities, 4D Advanced Flight Management System (FMS), Flight Control Systems for innovative configurations (Tilt-Rotor, Hybrid, etc.), Autonomous Target Tracking, Visual Navigation, Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architectures.</p></li><li><p>Development of advanced avionics systems for unmanned space aircraft, such as prototypes of GNC systems for unmanned reentry missions, for orbital flight (eg. Satellites and launchers) and for hypersonic flight with high flexibility and online management of emergencies.</p></li><li><p>Development of Flight Control Systems (FCS) at low cost and high reliability with particular reference to small size aircraft operating at low altitudes outside of controlled airspace, in order to perform complex missions cooperatively, in compliance with applicable safety requirements.</p></li></ul><h3>Main research topics:</h3><ul style="text-align:justify;"><li><p>Integration of complex sensors in GNC systems to support the "decision making" and increase the "situational awareness"</p></li><li><p>New paradigms for sensor fusion (virtual sensors with adaptive capability) to be used also for the failure tolerance</p></li><li><p>On-line trajectory generation (including approach, landing and take-off) with and without time (4D/3D) and/or space constraints with adaptation to traffic conditions, weather conditions and dynamic constraints of the aircraft and for aeronautical aircraft (fixed wing and rotary wing) as well as for spacecraft (i.e. re-entry, Terminal Area Energy Management, On orbit operations)</p></li><li><p>Robust control with failure tolerance capabilities, reconfigurability and adaptability to the degradation of sensors and actuators</p></li><li><p>Health Management Systems to obtain  a graceful performances degradation in presence of failure or incipient failure through the online update of dynamic constraints of the vehicle and using the adaptive capability of the GNC algorithms</p></li><li><p>Algorithms for envelope protection systems and automatic or semi-automatic Upset Warning/Recovery Systems</p></li><li><p>Advanced remote piloting systems for UAS and Flight Monitoring as well as Remote Graphic Management (Human-Machine Interface) systems</p></li><li><p>Formation flight and cooperative control</p></li></ul><p><br></p><p> </p></div>
