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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Friday, February 10, 2017
Aircraft Propulsion Systems
Propulsion, Safety and Security, Electronics and Communications

The activities relating to this strategic line of research line are driven by: 

  • High interest in electric propulsion, as demonstrated by the cluster EPIC sector (Electric Propulsion Innovation & Competitiveness) of H2020;

  • The European guidelines for development of innovative propulsion systems for aeronautics that include the development of efficient & green propulsion systems, and electric, hybrid, thermal/electric and diesel propulsion systems in particular;

  • The need to reduce emissions of CO2 (by 75%), NOx (by 90%) and perceived noise (by 65%) by 2050, as set down by the SRIA (Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda).

In this context, research activities focus on the development of advanced, efficient and green propulsion systems, and electric systems, thermal/electric hybrid systems and diesel systems in particular.
Aircraft Propulsion Systems
